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เมื่อวันที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ 2560 สมเด็จพระเทพรัตนราชสุดา สยามบรมราชกุมารี เสด็จพระราชดำเนินมายังคณะวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตปัตตานี ทรงเปิดอาคารอาคารพรีคลินิก ทอดพระเนตรนิทรรศการของคณะฯ และ: ภัยธรรมชาติและภัยจากน้ำมือมนุษย์ในภาคใต้ของประเทศไทย โดย ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.เมตตา กูนิง และ อ.ดร.สมพร ช่วยอารีย์ ทูลเกล้าฯ ถวายรายงาน. |
Congratulations to Assoc.Prof. Dr. Maitree Inprasitha for receiving reward "Role model in developing the Open Approach in Teaching Mathematics" from the Professional & Organizational Development Network of Thailand Higher Education. |
Congratulations to Assoc.Prof. Dr. Maitree Inprasitha for his recent promotion to Associate Professorship. |
Prof.Dr. Chidchanok Lursinsap was giving the invited session at the EASIAM 2016 Section Conference held by Macau University, Macau, June 20-22, 2016. |
Prof.Dr. Yongwimon Lenbury, Director of CEM, has elected to be the President of EASIAM (East Asian Section of SIAM) and attained at the 10th Section Conference held at Macau University on June 20-22, 2016 |
Congratulations to Asst.Prof. Metta Kuning and Dr. Somporn Chuay-aree for receiving PSU Outstanding Alumni Awards 2015 from Prince of Songkla University. |
Congratulations to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Duangkamon Baowan for her recent promotion to Associate Professorship! |
Congratulations to Dr.Watcharin Klongdee, recipient of CEM research grant, for receiving award from Office of Insurance Commission, Thailand. (..Click for more details..) |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Maitree Inprasitha attended at EARCOME 7,
11-15 May 2015 at the Waterfront Hotel in Cebu, Philippines. |
Congratulations to Asst. Prof. Dr. Maitree Inprasitha for having become the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University for the second time. |
Congratulations to Asst. Prof. Dr. Maitree Inprasitha , for receiving award from HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. (..Click for more details..) |
Congratulations to Professor Dr. Sutep Suantai for being honored with the TRF Senior Researcher Award for the years 2014 |
Congratulations to Dr. Busayamas Pimpunchat for winning the HOPE AWARD at the “Math-for-Industry” Forum, Kyushu University. |
Congratulations to Asst. Prof. Dr.Duangkamon Baowan for receiving 2013 Young Scientist Award from the Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Technology under the Patronage of His Majesty the King. |
Congratulations to Assoc. Prof. Dr.Chontita Rattanakul for her recent promotion to Associate Professorship. |
Congratulations to Asst. Prof. Dr. Maitree Inprasitha for having become the new Dean of
the Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University. |
Congratulations to Professor Dr. Sutep Suantai for receiving Award from the Council of University Faculty Senate of Thailand (CUFST) |
Congratulations to Professor Somyot Plubtieng for receiving The Outstanding Researcher of the Year Award 2009 from the National Research Council of Thailand. |
Congratulations to Dr. Duangkamon Baowan for receiving the Outstanding Thesis Award of the year 2009 from the National Research Council of Thailand on her graduation with a Ph.D. from University of Wollongong. |
Congratulations to Dr. Puntip Toghaw for receiving the Good Thesis Award of the year 2009 from the National Research Council of Thailand on her graduation with a Ph.D. from Mahidol University. |
Congratulations to Prof. Vichian Laohakosol for being honored with the TRF Senior Researcher Award for the years 2008-2010 |
Congratulations to Assoc. Prof. Montip Tiensuwan for receiving the Best Research Work Consolation Award of the year 2008 from the National Research Council of Thailand. |
Congratulations to Asst. Prof. Satit Saejung for recieving the followings awards :
1. 2008 Young Scientist Award (Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Technology under the Patronage of H.M. the King )
2. 2008 TWAS Prize for Young Scientists in Thailand ( The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World-TWAS and The National Research Council of Thailand )
3. 2008 TRF-CHE Outstanding New Researcher Award ( Thailand Research Fund and Commission on Higher Education ) |
The International congress on Mathematical Education at Monterrey, Mexico, 6-13 July 2008. |
Apec Lesson Study Project. APEC KHON KAEN Inernational Symposium, 25-29 August 2008. |
Pattern Blocks; Innovation and Development of Mathematical Thinking for Thai studebts, Khon Kean University, 22-24 August 2008. |
1st International Conference on Lesson Study-Learning Community for Better Education, Indonesia, 30 July - 3 August 2008. |
Thailand Research Expo 2008, Bangkok, 12-16 September 2008. |
Lesson Study and Poen Approach for Primary Education, Bangkok, 11-14 September 2008. |
CHE - USDC Congress I , Ambassador Hotel, Chonburi, 5 - 7 September 2008. |
Visiting Tsukuba University of Thai Commission, Ministry of Education, 21-28 September 2008. |
New Model of Mathematics Teacher Education Program,Philli 27-30 October 2008. |
LessonStudy for APEC Country. |
First Meeting of Math.Education Scholarships, 11 October 2008, Bangkok. |
Special Lecture on "Reflctions on Social and Cultural Aspects on Mathematics Education", 25 - 26 November 2008, Khon Kean University. |
ESM : Educational Studies in Mathematics Journal. |
Visiting of Emeritus Prof. Alan J. Bishop, Centre of Science, Mathematics, Monash University, Australia, 26 November 2008. |
Emeritus Prof. Dr.Alan J.Bishop |
Visiting of Dr. Albrecht Heeffer, Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Ghent University, 17 November 2008 - 9 May 2009. |
First Time Best Scientist of the Year Award Granted to Mathematicians
Prof. Sompong Dhompongsa of Chiangmai University and Prof. Yongwimon Lenbury of Mahidol University, jointly received award .. |
Outstanding Research Work Award in Physical Science and Mathematics
The National Research Council ( Thailand ) has awarded to Assoc. Prof. Benchawan Wiwatanapataphee ... |