Self-Paced Version
What is Self-Paced Version ?
- Access e-learning (24-7 online access).
- Complete at your own pace over 6 months.
- Real-world case studies that help you apply what you learn.
- Access to SAS software for practice.
- Access to an online community to support your learning.
What 's include in the self-pace version?
- SAS Certified Big Data Professional (Level 1)
- SAS Certified Big Data Professional: 150 e-learning hours +100 virtual lab hours.
- Big data preparation, statistics and visual exploration: 76 e-learning hours +50 virtual lab hours.
- Big data programming and loading: 74 e-learning hours +50 virtual lab hours.
- Certification exams must be purchased separately with Self-Paced version.
- SAS Certified Big Data Professional (Level 2)
- SAS Certified Advanced Analytics Professional: 144 e-Learning hours + 100 Virtual Lab hours
- Predictive Modeling: 24 e-Learning hours + 20 Virtual Lab hours
- Advanced Predictive Modeling: 72 e-Learning hours + 50 Virtual Lab hours
- Text Analytics, Time Series, Experimentation and Optimization: 48 eLearning hours + 30 Virtual Lab hours
- Certification exams must be purchased separately with Self-Paced
***License durarion: 180 days