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  International Collaborations


    Members of the Centre of Excellence have been actively engaged in collaborative research in various fields of mathematics with well recognized mathematicians from numerous universities or laboratories around the world. These include Vanderbilt University, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Curtin University of Technology, Washington State University, Syracuse University, Universita Callotica del Sacro Cuore, Old Dominion University, University of Montpellier II, University of Athens, Central Michigan University, Indiana University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Texas at Austin, Australian National University, University of Tasmania, Hamburg University, La Trobe University, Institut für Experimentelle Physik, Abteilung Biophysik, Monash University, University of Potsdam, University of New South Wales, Imperial College of Science, Technology of Medicine, University of Ohio, Iowa State University, University of Otago, University of Queensland, Newcastle University, Nihon University, University of Valencia, North Carolina State University, Montana State University, University of Jyvaskyla, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, State University of New York at Albany, University of Wollongong, Massey University, Syracuse University, University of Rhode Island, Florida Institute of Technology, CNR IASI Laboratorio di Biomatematica, and University of Tsukuba.

              Collaborative activities include

      1. Thai university staffs traveling to carry out research at     one of the above institutions or laboratories.
      2. Professors or experts from the above
           institutions/laboratories are invited to give     seminar/lectures/classes at a member university of the     Centre.
      3. Graduate students from Thai universities travel to obtain     short or long term research training at the various places     mentioned above.
      4. Foreign experts make short or long term visits to Thailand     to guide Thai students on their research.
      5. Well recognized Thai mathematicians are occasionally     invited to one of the above foreign institutions to give     seminars or participate as a lecturer in a workshop, or     school, or short course on specific areas of expertise.

